Dwelling of Duels: Mystery Month
Originally, I didn’t think I’d be doing reviews for this month at Dwelling of Duels. My familiarity with “mystery” games is quite limited, and the few games I do know weren’t even covered. However, it was the music that compelled me to write them. In fact, there was such a display of talent, that I had trouble picking my favorites and even voting. I was forced to recruit the help of Makoto (“Ms. Mega Mixtape”) in order to break ties and compile the selection of highlight for our podcast’s “best of the month” episode. She listened to all entries and picked her favorites. Maybe she will be doing her own votes in the near future, who knows?
Remember that you can listen to and download all entries directly through DoD’s website.
Alan Wake 2 – Night Springs
I confess I did not get this song’s style at first, but figured it might be related to the source. Piqued my curiosity and went looking for it, was surprised to find it wasn’t an “Old Gods of Asgard” song. To be honest, while the original is quirky and enjoyable, the vocals in this version are great and I like them better!
I’m gonna go with Mattmatatt.
Banshee’s Last Cry – Visions of a Distant Day
This one’s intense and unpredictable, just the way we like it. Both Makoto and I agreed that our only nitpick is that it’s perhaps a tad too long and it meanders a bit. Still, it keeps getting better and better and it lands a flawless and dramatic ending. This reminded her of a couple of jazz bands she loves, particularly toward the end. The intense string reminded us both of Tigran Hamasyan.
I’m gonna go with Shea’s Violin, who has been knocking it out of the park with her production values and instrument variety. Not sure if she arranged this, but in any case it was probably a collaborative effort.
Deja Vu – Ace’s High
The sound quality, production values and amazing guitar playing make this one of my favorite tracks from the bunch. It changes pace a lot, which is something I always enjoy. Goes back and forth between an epic ballad and a prog rock opus,. I could only guess that much of the arrangement was an original composition or improvisation, and after hearing the source I was proven right. Wether the title was a reference to Iron Maiden or not, it’s irrelevant, this sounds so much better. I’m guessing the anon behind this could be one of the usual champs, but I simply couldn’t help voting all the way to the right. Superb!
For this one, I’ll say Prince of Darkness as a placeholder for any of the amazing metalhead DoD veterans.
Deja Vu – Deja Blue
I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about this game before, what a catchy OST. It’s a short soundtrack, and this entry covers most of it without feeling too medley-ish. Every source integrates gracefully, and goes with the proggy style. The synth is top notch, and I really like the exchange between synth and guitar in the first part. Love the improv with the guitar too, but I also think its sound lacks presence overall. Maybe the mix could be improved, for bass, guitar and drums. Synths sound much crispier.
I don’t know who arranged this, or who else plays on it, but I believe jnWake‘s synths were involved.
Deja Vu – Familiar Feelings
This month was heavy on melancholy, starting with this track. As it should be, given the theme. Great playing all around! My only complaint is that the kick in those drums might be too loud at times and it sounds like the mix could use some more polish.
Disco Elysium – First Death of the Heart
Not familiar with the movie that is sampled throughout the track (“Sunshine of a Spotless Mind”), but I loved how it contributed to the atmosphere here. I love the melancholy, which is inherent to the source, but gets amplified by the soundscapes and effects on everything. The acoustic guitar and vocals were a huge surprise! What an emotional and amazing track, love for the source is more than evident. I only wish the female vocals had more time in the spotlight.
He loves this game, so there’s no way this isn’t TheManPF. But I don’t think I’ve heard him use voice samples from a movie before…
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers – The Schattenjäger with a Drachen-ish Tattoo
This was an interesting entry, with a mix of funk and drama I wasn’t expecting. I’m not familiar with the source at all. Sound quality isn’t the best for some of the instruments and I wish we had gotten to hear more than just a solo from that trumpet.
Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode – Cassandra-G
This entry seemed to be trying to make you uncomfortable, and it succeeds with every gimmick, until the backing track turns into drum and bass and becomes somewhat listenable. There’s probably a lot I’m missing, since I haven’t even gooogled the game to get context.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 – Bartender. Straight. No Chaser.
I can’t complain about the sound quality here, since sounding like an old and worn-out recording seemed to be the exact intention. What a nice and jazzy groove! Behind all the reverb and effects, some great playing can be heard. Loved those chaotic drums specifically. The guitars and overall style reminded me of several jazz acts I love. Bill Frisell comes to mind.
Hotel Dusk – Reunited by Tragedy
Another melancholic piece that will go straight into one of our awards’ categories. Excellent synths and guitar, loved the atmosphere and epic solo. I think the drums could be better, but I’m not sure if they were sampled or not.
I’m pretty sure I’ve heard jnWake use similar effects on his synths previously, so I’m guessing he and Jabo worked on this one.
L.A. Noire – Dahlia Noire
I’m a sucker for smooth and melancholic jazz. Whenever I hear this style, the fact it’s video game music becomes irrelevant. As such, it’s hard to be objective, but I’ll try… piano, bass, brass and drums (mostly brushes), what a amazing combo. Particularly, I loved the sax part where I presume is a bit of improvisation (haven’t looked up the source). Then there’s flute! And such masterful playing on all fronts. My only complaint is the bass, I could have used a little more of that, you can barely tell it’s there.
No idea about the whole ensemble, but I’m gonna go with Joe Newman on the sax.
L.A. Noire – Some Like It Hot
As much as I’d like to say the previous track was my favorite jazzy track, this came and took it’s place with ease, while also figuring in Makoto‘s top picks. A good vocal track will always win me over by a landslide. Doesn’t matter that this is shorter and involves less artists, minimalism can be a good thing! Even if it was just piano and vocals, this would be amazing just from their performance, but the bass also contributes a lot. Conversely, the percussion doesn’t shine as much here, but it’s not a big deal.
Andromeda is easily one of the best kept secrets of the VGM scene. As an almost exclusive to DoD, it makes me glad that I follow the competition closely whenever I hear one of her entires. This was evidently someone else’s arrangement and they had extra collaborators, but I dare not guess them.
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes – Laser Eyes (demo)
I haven’t played this game, but I very much want to. Still, I can tell this is a great homage without looking up the source. The reverb sets an atmosphere that I can completely associate with the game, and although this probably isn’t Anon’s confort zone, the piano and vocal performance is heartfelt and quite good.
This can be no other than Joe Newman. He friggin loves this game.
Mean Streets – Tex Murphy and the Case of the Funky Beats
Music to commit a heist to. This is funky, retro and chill in all sorts of ways. The bass makes this track, but the rest of the band is along for the ride. Particularly, the guitar and organ. Drums could have used a bit more clarity, but I guess the muffled sound is part of the charm.
Imma go with Bi Score for this one, with extra synth and percussion help from unknown source.
Paradise Killer – GO!GO!Style
This sounds completely like a modern version of the same band as the previous track, while still managing to sound disco and retro. Better production values, drums and synths overall. But the laid back style is exactly what I’ve come to expect of this game, even though I haven’t played it or listened to its soundtrack. Loved this little disco block to bits!
Carrie Wood is a pretty good actress, since she claimed this was someone else’s, but she can’t fool me. This is most likely Bi Score‘s work as well, but they probably submitted each track under the arranger’s credit, instead of the band’s.
Paradise Killer – It Could Even Be You
We went straight to the 80’s with this one. Even brought Michael Jackson back from the dead, with the best impersonation of him I’ve heard to date. This track just oozes premeditation with every instrument and sample choice, it’s a nostalgia fueled trip. Much like MJ’s success, it all seems calculated or manufactured… except for that improv section with the synth and guitar that slightly breaks character for a while. Still, it’s a very welcome addition to an otherwise faithful homage. This is definitely getting an award from me.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All – Omnia in Dubium Voca
I’ve only played the original Ace Attorney, and despite my lack of familiarity with the rest of the series, I’ve always enjoyed its music. This is no exception, what an epic track! Production values are off the charts once again, and it has enough twists and turns to keep you interested. Aside from the chorus in latin, we even get what I think is a trumpet at some point. Gotta say however, that its sound and presence is not on par with the rest of the instruments. I think the track could have gone without it, if only to avoid compromising the overall quality.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – About To Turn It All Around
We get funky once again, with another retro track filled with samples and effects straight from an 80’s movie. Loved all the stylistic choices and sound design, so thorough! Beatboxing, sped-up vocals, scratching… amazing how it all goes so well with the melancholic piano and synths! Nothing but praise for this anon.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Bluegrass Samurai
I get that bluegrass often means an inherently flawed style of string instruments, but I think Anon should have committed to it more. The drums get to be monotone and a tad too perfect, which is not in sync with the rest of the instruments. It was a cool idea, though! There’s never enough VGM bluegrass.
Hydrasphere, maybe?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Maya’s Broken Heart
I love melancholic tracks, and this piano + strings combo will always score high for me, no matter the source. Very cinematic stuff, would be perfect as ending music (I might have an award for that). The music box at the end is the cherry on top. Anon, you should be scoring games or movies by now.
I’m pretty confident this is valence, I’ve come to really enjoy his style.
The Crimson Diamond – The Dead North
Speaking of movies, we strut into spaghetti western territory. I swear I’ll learn to whistle like this someday, if only to be able to submit a main. The performance is great and unabashed, but it’s really the confident and crystal-clear whistling that literally blows you away! (geddit?) The “YouTube info card” ending might have been too much though, haha.
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve – No More Games Now!
Two tracks with clapping in a row, this month is full of mysterious coincidences! This one is definitely a group effort, and a very cohesive one too. Loved the overall anime feel, that undoubtedly comes with covering this source. Particularly, the flute, percussion and strings are all exceptional. But really, all instruments and production values are next level. This is triple A stuff, Capcom needs to pay attention.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero – Lost in Crossbell City
Love the vibes here, it was a very welcome change of pace. Minimalist and to the point, maybe because of the source? Hard to tell. If my prediction is correct though, I gotta say this is not my favorite track by this Anon (however, it’s great to have them back!).
This must be a solo track by “Biggoron” Tuck, no doubt.
Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun – Puerto del Callao
What a pleasant surprise! Both Makoto and I immediately started vibing to this, since it reminded us so much of Battleblock Theater. You can’t fool us anon, you wanted to cover that game, so you looked for a similar source that fitted the theme, haha. It’s playful, well executed and has nice sound design. And just when you think the solos are as good as it’s going to get, we get surprise vocals! Amazing.
I want to believe that Joe & Tuck collaborated on this one, probably under someone else’s arrangement.
Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? – Miss of Misdemeanor
Another team effort, this one boasts a lot of confidence on all fronts, specially the vocals. Shirley Manson was mentioned as a comparison in the listening party, and I definitely can see why, the grungy sound is definitely there. I wish I had more love for the source in order to really appreciate this, but I can still tell this was very well executed.
We’re mixing it up this time around, since there were just too many good tracks to go unmentioned. However, as usual, only three (highlighted in red) will get a spot in The Mix, our podcast’s “best of the month” episode.

Ms. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
This is her first time picking her DoD favorites, but she actually helps out with the curation of every episode.
- Visions of a Distant Day (Banshee’s last cry)
- Some Like It Hot (L.A. Noire)
- Puerto del Callao (Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun)

Mr. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
- Some Like it Hot (L.A. Noire)
- Ace’s High (Deja Vu)
- First Death of the Heart (Disco Elysium)
🤯 “I Can’t Believe It’s Video Game Music” Awards
Have your family or friends listen to this, they will never guess it’s VGM.
- It Could Even Be You (Paradise Killer)
- Miss of Misdemeanor (Where in Time Is Carmen San Diego?)
- The Dead North (The Crimson Diamond)
🎬 “Exit Music (for a Game )” Awards
Score a soundtrack already! You know you want to.
- Reunited by Tragedy (Hotel Dusk)
- Maya’s Broken Heart (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
- Familiar Feelings (Deja Vu)
🎷”Touch Fuzzy, Get Jazzy” Awards
We love jazz, these deserved a(nother) mention.
- Some Like it Hot (L.A. Noire)
- Dahlia Noire (L.A. Noire)
- Bartender. Straight. No Chaser. (Hotel Dusk: Room 215)
🕺”Disco (Elysium or otherwise)” Awards
It’s not common to have a month with so many disco tracks.
- GO!GO!Style (Paradise Killer)
- Night Springs (Alan Wake)
- Tex Murphy and the Case of the Funky Beats (Mean Streets)
✔️ “Can’t go Wrong with Wright” Awards
Be the attorney you want to see in court.
- No More Games Now! (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve)
- About To Turn It All Around (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
- Omnia in Dubium Voca (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Any objections? 😜

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