Dwelling of Duels: Aliens Month
This month was ideal for anyone willing to discover new music, as is always my case. The “dwellers” delivered some amazing deep cuts for the most part, and proof of that is that the only real “block” of consecutive songs was dedicated to Pikmin. Other than that, no one else covered the same source twice, and that makes for an extremely fresh month.
The theme hits close to my heart, as aliens and outer space themed stories are a kind of sci-fi that I almost always enjoy. I was even planning a special for my podcast along those lines, that sadly we weren’t able to complete on time for spooky season. But we might just finish it for the lulz before the year is over.
Listen to all the entries directly through DoD’s website, and if you’re interested, here’s my opinion on each of the “mains”.
Alien Crush, Mega Man 10 – Alien Man
What a laid back track to start the month! Loved the guitar playing and singing, even if the lyrics are a bit silly. The bluesy electric guitar is great too, but anon’s use of it is sparse. Initially, I was unable to tell where the Mega Man 10 source was used, since I wrongly though Galaxy Man was from that game. Turns out it’s Solar Man‘s theme, who I don’t think qualifies as alien. I guess Alien Crush makes up for that?
As I’ve done before, I’m gonna go with Mattmatatt. But I might be wrong, I don’t think he likes Mega Man.
Axelay – The Mothers of Annihilation
The percussion here was particularly nice! But the guitar playing and tone are not my cup of tea. Sounds a bit rushed, in my inexperienced opinion.
Bloodborne – Fight or Flight
I’m not sure this game qualifies for the theme, but I might be wrong. In any case, I really liked this entry. It’s cinematic and foreboding. You can really feel the dread with those strings (even if they are sampled), and that goes with the theme nicely. I assume the guitar is the live instrument (and it’s great!), but I’m not sure about the percussion.
This could be TheManPF. Either that or Hakstok, from all the orchestral stuff.
Chrono Trigger – Theme of Lavos
The singing here is flawless, and I love an a cappella track! A nice change of pace, even if it’s pushing the theme a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I know Lavos is an alien, but I think months like these should be a treasure trove of fresh sources.
Ian Martyn, no doubt about it.
Crysis 2 – The Prophet
This is where alien month really starts shaping up for me. This is unsettling and has amazing sound design. All the breaks really help cement that alien action movie feel. Production-wise, even I can tell this extremely well crafted. Definitely deserves one of the top spots, in my opinion. Both for quality and adherence to the theme.
I’m gonna go with Xaleph + Pixels & Paradiddles.
Duke Nukem 3D – Bust Ya Chops
This source takes full advantage of the theme, and the entry stays true to it with over the top vocals. I enjoyed the synths the most. However, the guitar recording quality didn’t sound as crisp as the rest, and there was too much reverb on the vocals in my opinion. But I’m probably missing context from the games. Quality nitpicks aside, I gotta admit I’m not a Duke Nukem fan.
Earth Defense Force 5, Earth Defense Force 4.1 – The EDF Deploys
I have no idea about this source, but the lyrics file indicates they took the silly anthem directly from the game. Other than the novelty of it, this one doesn’t do much for me.
Final Fantasy 7 – Mother Says It’s Time For Bed
This was beautiful. I would rate it so high in a more fitting moth, but as I said with the Chrono entry, I’m prioritizing tracks that take full advantage of the theme. Still, this is one of the best Jenova covers I’ve ever heard (and there are a lot!).
I’m positive this is valence‘s style.
Gitaroo Man – Legendary Jam
Another source that I wouldn’t know if it weren’t for The OneUps. I’m not familiar with the game at all, but after hearing their version, I’ve actively been on the lookout for others. This is a nice one, and it tries to bring something new to the table with the arrangement and sax, but I think it could use a bit more presence. Sounds like a live band act at a jazz bar, and that’s not a band thing. But the recording quality might be the issue here.
Halo 2 – C’mon, You Apes, You Wanna Live Forever?
This is some of the best singing I’ve heard from this anon yet. Each month they keeps delivering amazing vocal renditions in different genres, and from sources I had no idea about. Of course it’s also thanks to whoever arranged and collaborated on this. A nice and uplifting entry.
This is Andromeda singing.
Kid Icarus: Uprising – Aurum Borealis
Great source choice from amazing Japanese composers, and an excellent arrangement. Loved the glitch effect, sax, synths, guitar and percussions (everything basically). I slid all the way to the right, but competition was extremely fierce this month, so I’m sad to report this didn’t make the top picks.
I’m gonna go for a Joe Newman arrangement, with Tuck on synths.
Looney Tunes: Marvin Strikes Back!, Looney Tunes: Alert! – Marvin and K-9 vs Hazel the Witch
By now I can safely say I’m an Alberto “Fucking” González fan. For those unfamiliar, he’s a Spanish composer who did soundtracks for tons of licensed games. This entry is groovy and it really won me over past the one minute mark. The segment at 1:45 is really where it’s at: how anon manages to make the guitar sound almost synth-like is beyond me. The surf-like guitar riff is just the cherry on top. Loved the bass as well, it does wonders for setting the otherworldly atmosphere. I’m not a fan of the voice samples, but I guess that’s to be expected of a Looney Tunes source.
Mass Effect – Boldly Go
Bold entry indeed! The more relaxed tracks rarely get to the top, but this one definitely deserves it. It takes the source and really pushes it further, as I’m sure any Mass Effect fan will appreciate. Beautiful chorus and synth effects all around. The percussion is also very interesting, until the drum kit kicks in, which in my opinion sound a bit muffled compared to the rest. Still, the ending delivers with some really emotive guitar playing.
McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure – Moon Magic
Letting the funky aliens loose, this track is just oozing style and sexiness. I don’t know if anon had been waiting for the right theme to cover this, or if he went looking for deep cuts. But either way, I’m glad he submitted this. Excellent samples and playing all around, definitely one of my top picks.
This has to be Biggoron / Tuck.
Okami – L’Étranger (Et le Lunarien descend de la tribu qui fut)
This is another one that barely fits the theme, but what a great entry it is! Sounds very impressionistic and passionate to me, I love this style of piano arrangements. Anon keeps besting themselves with each passing month.
I’m pretty sure this is EndlessRepeat.
Perfect Dark – It’s Saturday night, etc.
More like Perfect Ska, innit? Loved this cover to bits, proper PD representation. Excellent synth solo, relentless percussion, and some exciting bass and guitar performance. The usage of samples from (what seems to be) the original source is top notch, as well as the well placed orchestral hits. Just do better with titles next time Anon, no way I’m pasting all that into an h3 heading.
I’m guessing this is the Shrednobi crew.
Pikmin – A Man From Outer Space
I was ready for more unsettling aliens, and anon delivers with a quasi-dubstep track that also gets chilled out and atmospheric at times. It has lush soundscapes, pulsating percussion, glitchy and surprising transitions. This entry is all twists and turns, and makes me wonder how the heck it is they’re playing EDM in a live instruments competition. Some instruments, particularly the exotic percussion instruments, are obviously played live. But I have no idea about the rest. Amazing and frenetic journey!
This could be the work of Emunator, plus collaborators.
Pikmin – Falling In Love, Under That Sky
Coziest entry of the bunch, these are some cute aliens. Beautiful vocals with perfect Japanese pronunciation. This sounds like it belongs in the ending of a Makoto Shinkai movie. What a great track, and although it’s not in line with the implied scariness of the theme, it fits right in. In particular, the acoustic percussion and strings, flute and nature sound effects set an extremely pleasant atmosphere. Alien folk is real, including the Japanese lyrics, which are alien to us westerners after all.
I’m betting this is a collaborative effort, helmed by Zack Parrish.
Pikmin – You’ll Be Okay
What initially sounds like a Pink Floyd tribute, quickly turns into a shred fest. Those guitars and drums sound so nice and crips! And you think you know what this entry has in store, but then the synths come in and bring us back to space. The solos are unreal, as is the sound quality.
I’m not sure who did this arrangement or played most of the instruments, but I’m betting those synths are jnWake‘s.
Risk of Rain – Dew Point
Another source that I’m now curious about. This sounds amazing and so well crafted. The lead synth and synth bass make this track stand out, but all the little electronic sound effects make this feel truly alien and futuristic. A great example of good sampled percussion (I think?). It’s groovy, quirky and atmospheric, definitely what I expected from this month’s theme.
Sagaia – Big Titty Ghoti Boss
I have to confess I’m not a fan of death metal, growls are not my cup of tea. The rest sounds OK to me, specially the lead guitar. However, the accompaniment doesn’t sound as loud as it could, compared to the rest of the mix. But again, I’m no expert.
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation – Turbolift? More Like Turtlelift
Another dark track, and that means it automatically gets a pass into Ms. Mega Mixtape’s picks. I loved it as well, and I think I’ve heard the source before, but that’s coming from a guy who knows very little about Star Trek in general. That dreadful guitar, chorus and violin make this the perfect music to get abducted to. It fits the theme, and the sound quality and arrangement is just out of this world.
Not sure about this prediction, but I venture guessing EarthKid did the chorus and Shea did the violin.
Star Wars [JVC] – Ask the hookah guy in Mos Eisley
No idea if Cantina Band sounds in one of the games, so I’m not sure if anon fully qualifies. However, they keep besting themselves each month as well. Although this entry has two segments (as is anon’s m.o.), the transition felt natural. The style is consistent for both and it’s actually a great cover. Adds a lot of character to an already catchy tune. The addition of sound effects from the movies was integrated with care as well. I’m not big on Star Wars, but I did slide right for this one.
This is the work of the gypsy man, Mr. Hydrasphere.
Super Metroid – Just a Girl
I’m conflicted about this one. Anon made me enjoy a No Doubt track, which is a band I’ve never liked. I much prefer Garbage and Shirley Mason, from that grungy 90’s era. This singer sounds so much better than Gwen Stefani, though. I loved this mashup,
This is probably the work of Amemus (a.k.a. Carmen San Diego) and ThisIsJayC.
Super R-Type – The Bydo Must Fall!
Alien shooter covers can’t get better than this! Amazing entry, full of shreddage, proggy synths and orch hits. What an epic and intense take on a classic source. The sound quality has also improved from anon’s previous entries. I really hope this gets near the top, and I have high hopes of predicting it right.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here… my gut tells me this is Gregorio Franco, collaborating with none other than jnWake.
ToeJam & Earl – Joe Tammin’
There can never be enough ToeJam & Earl covers. This cover bring some nice new elements into the funkosphere, like a bit of sound design in the form of radio static, and a very professional sounding band. Everyone gets a time to shine in this arrangement, and the performance is excellent on all fronts: sax, guitar, bass, drums, synth… everyone brought their “A” game.
I wonder if anon is deliberately breaking anonymity with the title, because I’m guessing this is Joe Newman on the sax. But I have no idea who the rest of performers are, or the arranger for that matter.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors – They Came To Earth For One Thing
Everything here sounds cheesy and over the top, but knowing the source, this was probably intentional. It has that retro alien movie feel. It does a great job at evoking an era of sci-fi, and for that, I slid right. Even if it’s not something I would put on a playlist with regular rotation.
This month was full of surprises and voting and picking favorites was extremely hard, but we somehow pulled through. The tracks in green will get highlighted (either as full tracks or background music) in The Mix, our podcast’s “best of the month” episode.

Ms. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
If it’s dark and gloomy, you can count on her vote.
- The Prophet (Crysis 2)
- Turbolift? More Like Turtlelift (Star Trek: Birth of the Federation)
- A Man From Outer Space (Pikmin)

Mr. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
I tried prioritizing the atmosphere for spooky season, but I’m a sucker for some good funk and Perfect Dark.
- The Prophet (Crysis 2)
- Moon Magic (McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure)
- It’s Saturday (Perfect Dark)
🛸 “The Dread is Out There” Awards
Them scary aliens, and some music to get abducted to.
- The Prophet (Crysis 2)
- Turbolift? More Like Turtlelift (Star Trek: Birth of the Federation)
- The Bydo Must Fall! (Super R-Type)
🎷 “Party on Funkotron” Awards
Them funky aliens stayed in Party Month.
- Moon Magic (McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure)
- Joe Tammin’ (ToeJam & Earl)
- Marvin and K-9 vs Hazel the Witch (Looney Tunes: Marvin Strikes Back!, Looney Tunes: Alert!)
💫 “Twinkle Twinkle” Awards
Them cozy aliens know two mimir is better than one mimir.
- Falling In Love, Under That Sky (Pikmin)
- L’Étranger (Et le Lunarien descend de la tribu qui fut) (Okami)
- Mother Says It’s Time For Bed (Final Fantasy 7)
🚀 “Where No Dweller Has Gone Before” Awards
These entries will take you on a journey through space.
- Boldly Go (Mass Effect)
- You’ll Be Okay (Pikmin)
- Dew Point (Risk of Rain)
🤯 “I Can’t Believe It’s Video Game Music” Awards
Have your family or friends listen to this, they will never guess it’s VGM.
- Just a Girl (Super Metroid)
- Ask the hookah guy in Mos Eisley (Star Wars)
- Falling In Love, Under That Sky (Pikmin)

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